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CR Alum Highlight: Maddie Reddick

Name: Maddie Reddick, CR5

Major: Political Science

Graduation Year: 2016

Current Location: Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA

While at TCU, Maddie was heavily involved in SGA and served the university as Student Body President during her senior year. She was a member of the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta and completed her Honors curriculum on the Colloquia track. She is currently attending Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Maddie spent the summer of 2013 on Cultural Routes 5. She says her favorite city on CR has changed as she has reflected on her experience over the years. She says of her favorite city now:

"Currently, I think it is Berlin. Berlin is the city that most surprised me on the trip - I was very much looking forward to Italy, and yet, Berlin is a city cannot be overlooked. It is a city of history, a culture still grappling with its past and preserving its memory, while impressively moving forward to the future. I most want to return to Berlin. In addition to Berlin itself, it is the first city on the trip, and a time of such excitement because you know how much adventure is still ahead of you. It is the key time to jump in and begin to bond with the people around you and start forming your familia."

When asked about the most valuable lesson she learned on CR, Maddie responded:

"I learned to be comfortable with who I am and what I brought to the table. When I went on CR, it was what I needed most. I went into the trip very uncertain after a somewhat difficult freshman year, a little uncertain about what my place was at TCU, and quite honestly, a little uncertain about myself. I came out of the trip with new confidence - knowing that I brought something special to our group, and I, in turn, could bring something special to TCU. I learned so much from the people around me, as each and every one of them was an incredibly impressive and unique person who brought their own talents, ideas, and personality to the group. We grew together, and they gave me a family of support to continue to grow at TCU."

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